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Archives for September 2016


If you are in one of those highly mobile professions (ie, not an accountant chained to the desk,) you will love Hubdoc. Running from appointment to appointment, doing lunch after lunch, maybe even travelling… All those receipts…  Yeah, you need all those receipts! Your credit card statement won’t cut it in an audit.

Then, there’s tracking down all your statements – each bank account, each credit card. And these days, invoices come by email, too. You might even still get some in by regular snail mail.

Put it all together, and you just might have a giant mess. Hubdoc to the rescue!

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Let’s not leave out this player from across the Pacific! Xero hails from New Zealand, by way of Australia. They landed here in California in 2011 and are steadily working their way into our consciousness.

Xero is 100% in the cloud. It has no pretty graphics when you sign in, and you need to wear your glasses to see the words. Some of the terminology is native kiwi, so you might not be able to find what you are looking for right away. Still, it works. As with QBO, it’s definitely better if you know what you are doing. If you need help, you can get a Xero certified partner to take over, fix, or share tasks with.

The folks who most like Xero tend to be tech-savvy millennials, and people who are tired of dealing with the behemoth of Intuit. I don’t have any problem with this. I don’t like behemoths, either.

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Hosted QB

If you really can’t decide between your deep and meaningful relationship with QB desktop and your growing need for professional bookkeeping intervention, you might be a candidate for hosted QB.

This means your file sits in yet another cloud, and everybody just signs in when they need to. It’s a good compromise. Of course, you do incur additional monthly charges for hosting, and your desktop QB will probably be upgraded annually. But if you are this big, this could be the smallest of your concerns.

There are so many companies offering QB hosting that a list, with or without rates, would be useless. Again, consult your CPA or QB Proadvisor who might be able to add you to their bulk license program.

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